official site of
W I N S T O N  T A N N I S  I N T E R N A T I O N A L  TM

WG has been a singer, and singer-songwriter who acts and dances, performs - for some time, and hence WG's creation of the soundtrack for the upcoming major motion picture film titled The Crown Dialogues, very possibly to co-star Jennifer Aniston. 

As part of a Special Pre Release of these materials, WG has unveiled three songs that are dear to his heart and mind - now available online and soon to be sold with significant proceeds for human rights maintenance and relief work.  These songs were also released due to WG's continuing opposition to Donald Trump - for he has caused unnecessary disruptions to the harmony of America, New America and the world.  

The Breeze Blows, Similar Eyes and Precious You stand on their own as remarkable pieces of popular music - great tunes with great lyrics and voice. They are songs for the good imagination, - they provoke and carry, and enrich the heart and mind.

Visit Winston George Tannis at (where they are exclusively available and very popular) to enjoy the music videos for these songs - a new kind of music video that is attracting much attention, and before such are made exclusively available at  i Tunes of the Apple Music World.  Now also available at You Tube by searching Winston Tannis or, by Winston Tannis.

The Winston George Foundation (Global) and BWI
Trying to make the world a better place one stone at a time - Alleviate Poverty and Despair, Human Rights Interventions, Global Peace Initiatives

BWI or BeaconWatch InternationaBWI or BeaconWatch International  is another WG creation and supported by The Winston George Foundation (Global).  Much like the Foundation, BWI is involved in making the world a better place through justice measures that make the world less sorrowful. 

You can become a member of BWI or even a Chapter leader in your area, at your school, college or university, for your region or country.  In turn, you are trained in WG's famous and renown intervention and human rights strategies and methods.  There are also internship opportunities at BWI for people of many age groups as well as paying positions with offices across the globe.

BWI like the WG Foundation also offers grants and loans, and other resources and support, to students, aspiring artists and others.

GET INVOLVED and make the world a better place - MAKE BWI and the WG Foundation a part of your life of giving to a world in need of assistance.

ORDER The Beacon Letters / Les Lettres du Balise, and New America Today & Tomorrow SPECIAL EDITIONs by contacting us from this page, and read about WG's views on the New American Republic - a new state comprising the United States and Canada, as named by WG, and with WG's philosophy of a new republicanism set out in spectacular detail, intelligence and clarity.  Proceeds from this order will help the WG Foundation and Beacon Watch International or BWI grow and aid more people in need  THESE SPECIAL EDITIONS ARE COLLECTOR ITEMS, WITH UNIQUE SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS OF The Pillars of Justice, and, The Columns of America, and, The Bridges To The Spirit, as well as a WG poster with expressions of inspiration and intelligence, included at no additional charge, SO ORDER SOON.  This package also makes a wonderful gift to a brother, sister, father, mother, spouse, child, friend, colleague on any day or event, so don't delay - The WG Foundation can use your help and this is a wonderful gift to yourself or someone else.  If you order soon, you will also receive a complimentary publication titled The Rockports of Republicanism alongside a companion work titled The Tablets of Wisdom and Intelligence.  Those who tell us it is intended as a Gift will also receive a special work by WG titled On Liberty with a complimentary one year subscription to another WG publishing phenomenon titled WG Magazine.  All this for under $25.00 at $22.50.

WG and The Foundation are known, direct and indirect supporters of the following organizations, groups, agencies and causes:
The War Amps (Canada)
Constituting New America
The Beacon Institute For Advanced Studies 
The Beacon Library of Heritage & Civilization
The National Gallery of Canada
Autism Society of America and Canada
Bright Pink
The Museum of History (Canada)
Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund 
Harvard University from where many of the most challenging ideas I faced in business, philosophical, economic and legal analysis emanated, compelling me to cast new  advanced theories on business, philosophical, linguistic, economic, political and legal leadership 
Human Rights Watch
The Dabalm Lipbalm fundraising campaign of Darpan Ahluwalia and her daughter to assist Baca Kids at Christmas (go to Facebook for Darpan to learn more)
Ivey Business School (UWO) to which I owe so much for presenting me with the Harvard Business frameworks that I have employed and adapted well enough to be included in the American Who's Who of Business, the Global Who's Who, the Global Who's Who of Science,and the Who's Who of Corporate and Constitutional Law (Top 100 Lawyers, Globally)
Rock The Earth
Amnesty International
Richard Robinson Academy of Fashion Design
​Boy Scouts of America
Bowen College
Various LGTB Research and Advocacy Centers
Queen's Universtiy & Law (Canada) where I was admitted to study formal law for 3 years, on Scholarship after winning the Gold Medal in Political Science & Philosophy with International Relations emphasis, and after 2 years work experience as an Executive Director at multi nationals based in Greater Toronto, including the HSBC and Relais & Chateau, MiKwang Plastics & Cast Communications, and where I encountered serious yet humanistic students and professors, and from where I launched the Queen's Annual Business Law Symposium as published by Carswell under my leadership, and prior to and in preparation for my call to the Canadian and Ontario Bar, prior to my doctoral work in Legal Sociology & ADR at the first graduate programs of their kind in Canada
The Salvation Army
American Civil Liberties Union
Canadian Civil Liberties Association
The Raouf Omar Gallery
Friends of Israel Initiative
The Shine Music Academy & Foundation (Ottawa)
The Primrose Club (Toronto)
​War Child Canada
The Sundance Institute
Cite Libre 
The Clinton Foundation
The Non Aligned Movement
The Commonwealth of Independent States
The Cherry Artistic Growth, Career & Development Fund
The David Suzuki Foundation
The Snowsuit Fund of Ottawa which assists 1000s of young persons each year combat the Canadian cold with the charm of an Inuit warmth
The Office of Alan Dershowitz
Elton John Aids Foundation
The Office of Professor Bill Flanagan
Ottawa Integrative Cancer Center / Office and Research Center of Dr Dugald Seely
The Ottawa Hospital, Geriatrics, Oncology, Thrombosis, Emergency, Pulmonary Care, Critical Care, Heart & Stroke Divisions
(with special thanks from WG for saving and enhancing his mother's life on several occasions, among thousands of others)
The Law Society of Ontario (LSO)
The Territory of Nunavut - its leaders and people for providing friendship and family sentiments for so many years under enlightened governance
Peter Burwash International (PBI)
Bolf Dance Academy (Ottawa)
The Canadian Bar Association
Global Health Corps
The African Union
The Arab League
Total Nutrition Diva Darpan Ahluwalia & Related Causes
The Francophonie
The United Nations
The Soros Foundation
Grammy Foundation
American Civil Liberties
War Child
The Fringe Festival
The Commonwealth (formerly the British Commonwealth)
The Organization of American States

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For his hard and diligent and creative work, as a social and private sector entrepreneur, WINSTON GEORGE (WG) TANNIS, has been awarded distinction in the Who's Who of Entrepreneurs, atop standing in the Who's Who of The World and, the Who's Who of America ... see below:  this short biography about WG as part of the Award ... and with his entrepreneurship, he assists millions and billions across the planet to know greater dignity, affirmation, human rights recognition, improved living, equality, equity, and fairness  ...