official site of
W I N S T O N  T A N N I S  I N T E R N A T I O N A L  TM

WG has been a singer, and singer-songwriter who acts and dances, performs - for some time, and hence WG's creation of the soundtrack for the upcoming major motion picture film titled The Crown Dialogues, very possibly to co-star Jennifer Aniston. 

As part of a Special Pre Release of these materials, WG has unveiled three songs that are dear to his heart and mind - now available online and soon to be sold with significant proceeds for human rights maintenance and relief work.  These songs were also released due to WG's continuing opposition to Donald Trump - for he has caused unnecessary disruptions to the harmony of America, New America and the world.  

The Breeze Blows, Similar Eyes and Precious You stand on their own as remarkable pieces of popular music - great tunes with great lyrics and voice. They are songs for the good imagination, - they provoke and carry, and enrich the heart and mind.

Visit Winston George Tannis at (where they are exclusively available and very popular) to enjoy the music videos for these songs - a new kind of music video that is attracting much attention, and before such are made exclusively available at  i Tunes of the Apple Music World.  Now also available at You Tube by searching Winston Tannis or, by Winston Tannis.

Beacons of Peace
Principles of Good Living and Building 
The Peace Infrastructure
     WG has been a philosopher and advocate of peace and good living, the Good Life, for many years.  His work and thoughts have led him to assist thousands of people across the world through his writings, PedART and songs, and in direct discussions with people.

    In the late June 2017 issue of WG Magazine, Winston George Tannis first published The Beacons of Peace, Learning and Living.  This part of his Magnum Opus Collection, soon to be released with The Pillars of Justice, The Columns of America - the Americas, and, The Bridges to The Spirit, answers questions long asked of WG about how to know the Good Life and the successful life during this time on this fragile Earth.  
     Those who have followed his works for years will not be surprised by the new content, but further illuminated by another of his short and poignant works of literature and art, poetics and transcendental philosophy.

     The principles and thoughts set out in The Beacons of Peace, Learning and Living are as follows:

Charity & Benovolence.

Health & Wellness.

Living, Loving, Learning.

Tolerance & Compassion.

Love & Understanding.

Justice & Peace.

TO ORDER A SPECIAL EDITION COPY OF THIS WORK - SIMPLY EMAIL US THROUGH THIS SITE AND MAKE THE REQUEST.  The first 1,000 copies shall be sold for $9.95 with every page filled with new PedART and words that illuminate the themes set out above.  Or consider the SPECIAL EDITION PACKAGE set out at this site under a different tab, and request to receive this work also, at no additional charge.

     WG always counsels to try and set aside at least THREE short periods per day, to breath, meditate, reflect in calm manner or pray.  Even one minute 'stop and pause' sessions for the self can be very enriching, healthful and beneficial to productivity in all things - family, friends, work and play.