official site of
W I N S T O N  T A N N I S  I N T E R N A T I O N A L  TM

WG has been a singer, and singer-songwriter who acts and dances, performs - for some time, and hence WG's creation of the soundtrack for the upcoming major motion picture film titled The Crown Dialogues, very possibly to co-star Jennifer Aniston. 

As part of a Special Pre Release of these materials, WG has unveiled three songs that are dear to his heart and mind - now available online and soon to be sold with significant proceeds for human rights maintenance and relief work.  These songs were also released due to WG's continuing opposition to Donald Trump - for he has caused unnecessary disruptions to the harmony of America, New America and the world.  

The Breeze Blows, Similar Eyes and Precious You stand on their own as remarkable pieces of popular music - great tunes with great lyrics and voice. They are songs for the good imagination, - they provoke and carry, and enrich the heart and mind.

Visit Winston George Tannis at (where they are exclusively available and very popular) to enjoy the music videos for these songs - a new kind of music video that is attracting much attention, and before such are made exclusively available at  i Tunes of the Apple Music World.  Now also available at You Tube by searching Winston Tannis or, by Winston Tannis.

Where The Forms and Fashions Meet
Welcome to Winston Tannis International or WTI and WG's World
The man, the legend, the phenomenon that is WG, or Winston George Tannis, is now available through this medium.  Whether you wish to view his blogs, order some of his artworks or articles or other works, learn about his major motion picture - The Bar Dialogues, world musical tour and upcoming CD titled The Artist - Reflections On Time and Being, or to simply look over other parts of the site including The WG Gallery and an upcoming set of video and audio clips including WG-TV and WG-Radio, you are welcome and should contact us with your comments, notes on the experience and requests for more stuff or whatever comes to mind.  This Official WG Site is still under development, so check in often over the next few weeks as it comes to more perfect fruition with all the anticipated elements and features.  For now, how fun and get informed with what is.
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This website is created and managed by WINSTON TANNIS INTERNATIONAL and Eternity Entertainment - another WG Group creation, Copyright, 2012
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